Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Is death of a salesman an example of what's good, bad, or both of the Essay

Is death of a salesman an example of whats good, bad, or both of the American conceive of - Essay ExampleThe characters depict very different opinions about success and American dream. The author portrays the trance of an American dream of Willy, the main character of the play. Willy sees this world purely in materialistic way and consort to him success can only be measured through monetary reachs. He likewise considers put on of personal relationships important in attaining success in the society. Through the character of Willy Arthur mocks the materialistic nature of American society. Willy once says to his son the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead (Miller, 33). This is the version of Willy and this story of success is told by the author in order to show the real facial expression of The American dream to the audience. Also the reaction of the society towards Willy is also very important. Thro ughout the play he is not liked by anyone and not even his customers. Willy only favors personal relationships in order to gain monetary benefit but he is not successful. He also measures success in ground of tangible things. For these reasons he is not liked by anyone. Arthur has deliberately tested to make Willy like this because he treasured to show the downside of blind ambition for the American dream. ... They present the idea of success that is totable with an American dream. It is again a tangible thing with which the materialistic society of America is obsessed. The success of Ben is also an ironic portrayal of the American society as Ben sacrifices all interpersonal relations for his success. He wanted to go see his father (Miller, 48) but instead ended up successful. Charley is the neighbor of Willy and is a well-thought-of man. Willy considers him successful because of his humility and nice nature but explicitly always degrades him. Charley can be considered as a real successful person because he does not brag. Also he acts reasonably end-to-end the play. Charleys true nature becomes evident when he offers Willy a job. All this shows the good nature of Charley. poking Loman, son of Willy, portrays a deviant fellow who resists the ideas of success that are believed by his father. He does not agree with his fathers version of American dream and wants to live a happy and a separated life. His definition of success widely differs from his father. He says Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And its a measly manner of existence to devote your whole life to keeping stock, or making knell calls, or selling or buying. When all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off and electrostatic thats how you build a future (Miller 22). This shows that Biff identified the fakeness that existed in the American society and tried to change it. Biff wants to travel and enjoy his life. By Biff the author is portraying the rebe llion that go out come in future. All these characters had different ideas of success. The views of Ben and Willy on success represent materialism. They view success in attainment of the American dream and value

Monday, April 29, 2019

Introduction and methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction and methodology - taste ExampleThe real sign of the credit crunch started in summer 2007 when mortgage borrowers started defaulting on their mortgages and exposing billions of dollars of lamentable debt. This was when US housing prices started to plunge 20% to 30% in 12 months (Financial Times 2009). However, this was not something that was beingness anticipated by the lenders, as bankers thought they held new products that guaranteed never-ending great profits. However, the best performance for the sub-prime food market was between 2001 and 2006, when sales essentially boomed. Analysts state that approximately one-third of mortgages issued to subprime borrowers were adjusted grade mortgages. In the primordial 2000s, interest was at its lowest rate and mortgage lenders started to relax their lending standards, which made many poor people credit families creditworthy to qualify for a mortgage. As more people started to buy property, it change magnitude subscribe to in the housing market and caused house prices to rise (Mortgageguideuk 2009). In addition, subprime lending rocketed to trillions of dollars bankers and lenders bundled up the subprime mortgages with the prime mortgages, unspoilt and bad apples, and sold them in a single package to hedge funds and investment banks who initially thought it as a great way to generate high return investments (Terner 2008). These are called Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs). Lehman Brothers was the biggest participant on this subprime market, making millions of dollars every month they even offered Ninja (no income, no job or asset) mortgages, basically grammatical construction if you can breathe, we will give you a loan (reference). This is what caused the problem subprime mortgages were mostly given to new homeowners who did not understand the risks behind the scenes (Financial Times 2009). When the demand in the housing reached its peak in the US, the interest rate started to rise from 1% to 5.35%, which caused the housing market to slowdown. As a result, this caused real concern for homeowners who could barely support their mortgage payments when interest rates were low. Homeowners started to default on their mortgages, sparking trouble for all of us and the entire fiscal system (Mortgages 2010). When borrowers could no longer afford to pay their loans, the value of these investments started to fall, causing huge losses for banks crossways the world and many businesses that wholly depended on free fall credit have either collapsed, been taken over by competitors or been nationalised (Parliament 2010). For example, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, Northern Rock, Freddie Mac, AIG, Fanny Mae, Bradford and Bingley, RBS Bank of Scotland Group, Wachovia, Halifax Bank of Scotland and many more have been hit hard by the credit crisis. For example, HSBCs subsidiary Housing finance Corporation (HFC) was the highest provider of high risk subprime borrowers in the US and was hit hardest by the credit crunch. This was when US housing prices started to fall in 2006. As a result, provisions for losses on HFC loans increased by almost $3 billion in comparison to the previous year (Financial Times 2009). This discourse focuses on how the credit crunch has affected the UK population in terms of mortgages and unemployment. Jon Moulton, the British venture capitalistic stated that, as Americans and

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Importance of Business Contract Law and its Implementation Assignment

Importance of Business Contract Law and its Implementation - Assignment poserVarious lawyers and accountants provide their services both as employees and independent contractors. Essentials of a Contract The first of the essence(p) of a valid contract is a valid offer. An offer is a clear statement of impairment on which a party is ready to do business. It becomes valid when it is free from any ambiguity, communicated to the offeree, and non a counter-offer. The next element is acceptance. The acceptance must be a mirror image of the offer, communicated to the offeror, must not be subject to a condition, and must not have any new terms. Otherwise, it becomes a counter-offer. talk shag be through speech, conduct, writing, or by any reasonable method. Otherwise, it is not valid and in that respect is no contract. The third important element is a consideration. It has been defined as a benefit to cardinal party or a detriment to the other in Currie v Misa2. It must not be passed , must move from the promisee, must be sufficient, must not be something the promise is legally bound(p) to do and must be legal. The fourth element is the intention of the parties involved to be legally bound. If there is no such intention, there is no contract but a social agreement. When these four conditions atomic number 18 fulfilled, a valid contract is formed. Types of Contract A contract that is formed by just viva agreement and nothing is put into writing is called a verbal contract. For contracts, being in writing is not an essential part and they are still enforceable by law. A written contract is a contract put in writing. It is also enforceable by law. It is difficult to enforce a verbal contract as it becomes almost impossible to provide a proof upon which a decision can be based on. When a contract is in writing, it is easy to prove and enforce. Another type of contracts is make in deeds. A deed is a written instrument used to convey the title or interest in a rea l estate. Relating mostly to land law, deeds can be regarded as written agreements.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Summarize Poor economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summarize un peer economics - Essay ExampleLack of resources and access to medication is a leading factor in the demise of children and adults alike in countries that are less developed. This is in spite of the availability of vaccination and medications.However, it is note that money is the issue. There is limited availability of funds to facilitate the treatment of some diseases that can be easily controlled. Since they are unable to prevent diseases, they become less productive. In consequence, they are unable to organise and move out of the poverty that affects their livelihood.Several examples of success and failure are given in equal measure. Banerjee and Duflo convince the readers that there are simpler solutions to poverty, rather than just relying on global help such as financial aid. Improving health provides a chance to increase productivity and stop the stagnant suppuration that characterizes such areas (Banerjee and Duflo, 2011).The chapters in the book bring a deepe r intuition on development. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo convincingly presents to the reader the traps that the twenty-first century poor generations indulge into with the assumption that they are helping themselves. The experiences of the poor, and the experiments they partake have been explained in a way that warns others on what to avoid. Chapter 3 focusses on health as a leading factor in the quest to eradicate

Friday, April 26, 2019

PHILOSOPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PHILOSOPHY - Essay Exampleby ideas taken from busy beings, become general representatives of all of the same kind and their names, general names, applicable to whatever exists conformable to such compendium ideas.To make this simpler, according to Locke, for an average human, knowledge comes only from what he is able to perceive, and already has perceived. He is unable to speculate qualities, unless he has already not seen, or felt those qualities before. He gives the example of white, and how it would be impossible to perceive the white in chalk or snow if it had already not been seen in milk, and thus by association, the listen is able to conceive of qualities, even that which it has previously no knowledge of. olibanum abstraction signifies distinguishing a particular characteristic of a substance in ones mind from all its remaining characteristics and using it as a mean of comparison with all other materials.Up to that point Berkeley agrees,Introduction, (9) as he concedes that if one perceived a certain similarity between lead men, the mind would emphasize (or abstract) that similarity, and diminish the differences. Yet he alike criticizes using this theory on humanness in general, for it does not happen that we imagine a human of complete and utter indeterminacy that is though we recognize the fact that he will have the required two arms, two legs, one school principal (even that he questions as Berkeley states it is possible for him to imagine a man with two heads thus also canceling the genuinely first idea of man being unable to perceive anything he already does not know) it is also necessary for the human mind to wonder about the color, the stature and the build of the man. In essence, it is impossible to imagine a man simply on a general abstract, it is necessary to wonder on the particulars.He further postulates that Man cannot distinguish himself from animals primarily because he considers himself born with the ability to create general a bstract ideas in fact, the only reason

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Film (movie) analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Film (movie) digest paper - Essay ExampleAs a targeter, am responsible for the visual concept of a movie, a theater production or a television program. I realize a design style for sets, graphic, location, lighting, camera angle, costumes and carefully work with the film producer and director. superstar of the concepts used my designer is appointing and managing an ruse department, which includes construction and design team. A strong partnership is formed with a specific director with whom I work closely with. Designers tend to specialize in theater, television or film although there may be some overlap. In a case of a theater, production designers are also referred to us set designers or stage.As a production designer, my main work is to market my skills and experience, briefing and reservation contacts with agents. Some of the activities that am involved with include reading scripts to identify a theme indicating a particular visual style. Analyzing a production brief that might be a written one or oral. Monitoring and planning design budget. Coming up with design ideas, make-ups, and costume design. During my childhood, I used to fill in new ideas and new things a factor that is helping me in design production. Production design in shall we dance film is of a high quality. The choices of costumes use are in agreement with the theme of the movie. A good example is the dancing costume worn by the dancers in the movie.Graphic design is problem-solving done the use of image, space and visual communication. Being a graphic designer, one works under the directors supervision. One of the major responsibilities of a graphic designer is to ensure quality production of art, production of art assets and foliate layout in accordance with design documentation. Another work of a graphic designer is to understand the leaf blade or a product and come up with art brief. Graphic design under a tight schedule and are supposed to deliver on the set deadlines. During my childhood, I was greatly

Communication tools Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication tools - Research Paper ExampleConcrete communication skills refer to the effectiveness and the qualification to generate the desired results in the listener. Concreteness of communication also depends on the listeners and the individual team members, i-e, the way they watch over and perceive things and commands, and the ways of communications which get the best results. Some people utilize all five dollar bill senses they are blessed with. These people are called sensory individuals and they need concrete frame of reference in communications. They use present tense in their thought cycle as well as in their communications. This way they are better equipped to transform their thoughts and commands into reality.Concrete communications skills/tools are not something that are acquired once and then forgotten. These skills need constant improvement, learning and practice. Project managers need to look at their give communication ways and need to tone them. They need to keep only the concrete communication skills/tools in their skill bags which effectively give results. This definitely means that they need to discard the less effective skills otherwise known as the ineffective communication skills. And the first step into honing and toning concrete communication skills is listening. The PM require to be a good listener to be an effective communicator. The PM also needs to galvanize sending the I message in communicating.The project manager needs to be effective in communication as well as aware of the tone and texture of communication of the team members and individuals. The pursual actions can be very helpful in spotting the tone and texture of communication quest is a brief understanding of these actions. Being present during a discussion refers to being proactive or even reactive instead of only listening to the ideas and plans passively. Giving opinions and criticizing from a logical viewpoint

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Develop a public relations campaign Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Develop a public coitions campaign - Article ExampleThis stem go out outline Riordans PR campaign including its defined target audience, an overview of public relations issues, and implications of ethical issues. In addition, Riordan has implemented a marketing research plan and sought to align its marketing and public relation strategiesThe Riordan staff consists of 550 people and the smart set seeks to become a leader in embracing form in the workplace. Riordan has conducted research and believes that a strong business case exists for the employment of a diverse workforce. Effectively adopting and practicing diversity policies will benefit the company image, create greater attraction to potential employees, and reduce employment be through improved retention in the workplace. A website reviewed by Riordan staff (www.embracingdiversity.org) states that,A diverse squad is a team in which every member of staff irrespective of their age, gender, race, religion, disability, sexua l orientation and regardless of how they operate, or what they look like are valued as an individual and not as a member of a group.Adopting guidelines is the easy portion of the task, with approximately 550 employees, implementing a company wide diversity porta and gaining acceptance will prove to be difficult tasks. Riordan will have to place resources behind this opening including Public transaction professional, support staff, and a measurement system. Currently Riordans tracking and financial systems are not merged, meaning each facility operates independently and there is a very manual process to creating reports and accessing company information. This issue will need to be resolved and butt be as a parvenu software operating system has been identified but not approved for purchase. The diversity implementation can be used as further justification for the software.Additionally, Riordan has four manufacturing facilities with one located in chinaware and the other three lo cated in various regions in the United States. Specific Public Relations strategies and tools must be used to ensure a seamless diversity integration process.Target earshotRiordan Manufacturing strives to be a solution provider for its customers and not be a part of its customers challenges. The company will maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring that its employees are well certain and properly supported, it will provide a climate focused on the long-term viability of the company. Riordan must be focused in

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Plant Exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plant Exploration - Essay ExampleForests, rich in graft life, argon spread across Kenya. Some plants in Kenya ar used to make refreshment drinks. Plants such as tea and coffee undergo manufacturing and the end product is used to prep ar drinks that are often interpreted in the morning hours. About eighty percent of the Kenyan population wakes up to a instill of tea or coffee every morning. This is due to its cheapness and exudes health benefits. Tea and coffee consumers slang gr proclaim exponentially for the past few years. Tea and coffee drinks preparation is easy and can be done at the comfort of your home. Fruit juices are also consumed in Kenya. Avocados, oranges, mangoes among separates are squeezed to produce a very sweet juice. The tree tomato fruits are used in making salad. The types of juices and salads depend on the consumer taste and most of them are readily available. Some alcoholic drinks are made from plants. Fermentation of plant fruits yield a sweet and alcoho lic drink that is consumed by the locals. Each tribe in Kenya has its own type of alcoholic drink. In coastal areas, for example, the locals use the coconut plant to make an alcoholic drink. (www.ktda.com) The structure and construction industry in Kenya is aided by plants. Timber is vernacular in the building industry. In rural areas they use trees to build their houses while in urban centres they are used as pillars or roofing materials. Trees are also used in construction of makeshift business premises. Hardwood trees are neglect and shaped to manufacture beautiful sculptures by the locals. The baobab tree is used to make durable furniture. Kenya harbours discordant craftsmen who use plants to make beautiful items such as wall frames. In Kenya, however, deforestation is highly controlled by the government in order to protect plant life. Kenyans also use plants to construct transportation means. Carts and wheelbarrows are wooden and are convenient because they can carry all so rts of luggage. Some communities in Kenya use shrines as sacred places. These shrines are built by placing leaves and trees in strategic positions where people go to communicate with their Deity. In a nutshell, the building and construction industry cannot survive in Kenya without plant life.( Daily Nation Newspaper) Plants are also used for healthful purposes in Kenya. The idea of treating patients using herbal plants was coined from the forefathers. Herbalists exist in Kenya up to this day. Traditional medicine which comprised of specific plants is still considered in treating diseases. Aloe Vera is an example of a plant used for medicinal purpose. In Kenya, manufactured drugs are expensive depending on the ailment and people turn to plants for their recovery. Herbalists grind and kettle of fish different types of leaves from specific plants into a concoction. The concoction then is used in treating headaches, stomach aches, heartburn and other pains. Plants such as Khat are als o believed to aid in dieting because they suppress ache pangs. Leaves from specific plants treat snake bites in the Kikuyu and Kamba community. Rural health planning in Kenya appreciates medicinal plants for they are readily available and cheap. (www.overlandingafrica.com/kenya/?) Kenyans use plants to relieve hunger pangs each and every day. There are common types of foods across the country although some of them originate from specific communities. Kikuyus enjoy a mixture

Monday, April 22, 2019

Germany and Germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Germany and Germans - Essay ExampleA major contributing factor to his rise was the use of effect press which was introduced in this time period. He published pamphlets like Christian Liberty, On the Freedom of a Christian Man and the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. However, his most famous publication was the 95 Theses, published in 1517. The publication was against the abuse of papal authorities and use of indulgences to bail out of jail free. His publications spread promptly through Europe and in 1521 he was summoned to appear in front of an assembly of Holy papistical Empire known as Diet of Worms. He was declared an outlaw and hid till 1522. He proceed his teachings and two year long Peasant fight was based on his ideas and theories about the Catholic system. It was the depression of the revolt that lead to the revolution in Christianity and the rise of Protestantism. Luther continued teaching and served as Dean in the University of Wittenberg till his death in 1546.Dav id Cole interviewed Dr. Franciszek Piper in 1992 to raise questions about the Holocaust paper which is the death of Jews by Adolf Hitler during his period as Chancellor of Germany till 1945. David Cole visited one of the biggest camps of the World War II at Auschwitz to find evidence of the gas chambers and alleged homicidal gassings. He shoot his visit of the camp in an hour long video and interviewed disco biscuit guides, supervisor and Dr. Franciszek who was the senior conservator to confirm his findings that point towards the idea that the Holocaust was a made up story. David Cole presented evidence and logic that conveys the message that the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz were constructed after the war. The main chamber was examined and signs of structural changes were shown along with the tour guide and supervisor presenting different views as to the presence of Holes in the chamber supposedly these were used for voice communication

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Eco dq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eco dq - Essay Examplemoney is a medium that enables people to precede the use of goods and returns that atomic number 18 less required to them and purchases which are most required.ii. People sell their service (work) to earn bullion now and to buy goods and services at a later time. Money is inhering because it has a value in future and in that locationfore people work to acquire money. The economic system of rules of money functions on the basis of mutual aspects of belief (Moffatt p.2).iii. There are chances when the belief in money is lost or the future value of money is assumed to be low. This happens when the currency is impacted by inflation and people pee a tendency to spend their money quickly. But profitable deals are not usually signed during inflation due to the fear of future value of money when it leave be actually paid. Inflation can cause various inefficiencies in the economy where shop owners have to change the price of goods frequently and customers have c arry loads of money to purchase just a loaf of bread. When people lose faith in money, economic activities are likely to halt.Like either other good, money is also a good which is ruled by the maxim of supply and ask. Money is a good, the value of which is determined by the demand and supply. Money tends to possess less value when there is inflation (when there is an increase in the price of goods) that occurs due to increase in supply of money, demand for money reduces, supply of goods decreases or when the demand for goods increases (Moffatt p.3).When an economy is under recession and there is high charge per unit of unemployment the Fed issues policies to maintain interest rates at low level by purchasing securities. As a result, the price of securities rises and reduces their yields. This action of the Fed increases the amount of reserves with banks and increases the amount of bank credit that in conclusion increases the total amount of money in the economy. This is the reas on why central banks believe that the

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Emotion Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emotion Theories - Essay Example everywhere the years of research, several theories regarding how the neuroanatomy of emotion functions scientific completelyy extend from even up cerebral hemisphere hypothesis, which suggests that same neural systems causes all emotions, specifically with the right hemisphere of the brain as responsible in processing emotions (Wager, Phan & Liberzon, et al., 1998 Killgore and Yurgelun-Todd, 2007). Regardless of the steady data supporting the major role for the right hemisphere on emotions, a number of whole evidence from research revealed a new pattern of brain asymmetry. The second theory such as the Valence Model proposes a combination of some brain systems (Elfenbein, Mandal, Ambady, et al., 2004). According to the theorists supporting this hypothesis, the right hemisphere of the brain processes negative emotions, while the left hemisphere, for positive emotions (Killgore and Yurgelun-Todd, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to discuss and c ompare the dickens different theories of brain and emotion and establish evidence from empirical research in favor of the alternate(a) Valence hypothesis.The pioneering theory about brain and emotion states that the left hemisphere is related with cognitive processes, whereas the right hemisphere is engaged with the interpre... Cor opposeingly, two years after, Babinsky (1914) confirmed that patients with injury on the right hemisphere became frenetic or emotionally indifferent (as cited on Dameree, Everhart & Youngstorm, et al., 2005). The two early studies directed to the development of the right hemisphere hypothesis, which asserts the most important role for the right hemisphere in the processing of all kind emotions. Many studies have provided support for this hypothesis. For example, a recent research conducted on recognition of emotion in facial expression among thirty seven brain- impose on _or_ oppressd subjects (Adolphs, Damasio and Tranel, et al., 1996) noted signific ant results. First, that participants with lesions on the left hemisphere showed no malfunction in the facial expressions of emotion, whereas, subjects with damage on the right hemisphere displayed such impediment. Further, the research suggests that impairment of the processing of facial expressions of emotion is attributed to lesions of two discrete regions in the right neocortex such as the right inferior parietal cortex and the anterior infracalcarine cortex. Intimately associated with this research is the hypothesis that people with damage to the left hemisphere produces intellectual disorders. Damage to the right hemisphere however produces affective disorders and failure to respond to humor (Wager, Phan & Liberzon, et al., 1998). Sackiem, Gur and Saucy (1978), confirmed that facial expressions are more intensely expressed in the left side of the face, suggesting a greater involvement of the right hemisphere in the production of emotional displays. query in schizophrenia als o noted that these particular patients who are well

Friday, April 19, 2019

Cloud computing and IT management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cloud computing and IT management - Essay exercisingRapid developments in the fields of computers and communications technologies have enabled information technology to secure a compulsory position in all walks of life ranging from financial transactions through entertainment to water supplies. Surprisingly, health care systems a domain of high social relevance, world over can be considered as laggards in adopting information technologies (Braa et al. 1). The prime issues those are challenging healthcare IT are (Hersh, 2273)Despite these challenges, forward looking and IT turn over clinicians are trying their best to lead the adoption drive in their respective healthcare stupefy ups, the day is not far when IT applications in healthcare will merge into mainstream healthcare delivery systems.Telemedicine (use of information technologies like internet to deliver healthcare services at a distance) is one applications of HealthIT that has the potential to not only address some of th e intransigent healthcare issues solely is also promising enough from a business perspective. Telemedicine enables delivery of healthcare services and medical education from one geographical location to another(prenominal) primarily to address challenges like uneven distribution and shortage of infrastructural and human resources.Tertiary hospitals can roach up peripheral hospitals in remote and disjointed areas these and these peripheral hospitals can have telemedicine linkages via internet with the third level (referral) hospital primarily to extend the reach of specialized medical services to remote and isolated cases. This type of business concept has been used by a number of healthcare service providers slightly the globe. Slowly and steadily such services are not only bridging the digital divide but are also acting as pathways for revenue generation.2. Brown, E.D. Risks and issues in Cloud Computing. Eric D Brown Technology, Strategy, mint and Projects 2 Feb 2009 n. pag. W eb. 4 Nov 2009.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

How did notions of the traditional woman develop in the 20th century Essay

How did notions of the traditional woman develop in the 20th century and what purposes did this serve - Essay grammatical casePulling against traditions was a sense of urgency, progress and move manpowert so evident in the industrial, geographical, technological and governmental changes distressing the society. Womens roles were intended to stabilize all this uncertainty however, women could not help except take to a breakthrough for themselves in this growth. Opportunities opened up in the factories, retail establishments as well as offices, offering single modern girl new options. Education was now mandatory for both men and women in most states (Kipgen, 2010, p. 218). Women sought after higher education, first in all female institutes, wherefore in co-ed environments. Advocacy for rights of women, with suffrage in the lead, also gathered momentum. In spite of these changes, passim the 19th century, 95 percent of married women stayed at home.While the 20th century witnessed a characteristic change in ideas respecting sex relations at a level of social philosophy, far from a traditional notion of traditional woman, supremacy towards a modern girl idea of sexual activity equity was robustly contested and by all means achieved. Important legal, professional, educational, and personal changes did take place, however, by 1901 full, indisputable gender equality stayed almost as the utopian as in the 1800. Research coaction explores how the modern girl came out as a worldwide phenomenon in the beginning of the 20th century. By pursuing romantic love and wearing provocative fashions, modern girls universally appeared to disregard the responsibilities of loyal daughter, married woman and mother. The modern girl developed as a heuristic category which allows new insights into the forces of globalization as well as manifestations of gendered modernity. According to a case study of a cosmetic advertising in India, China, Germany, South Africa, and the United Stat es, it was evident the modern girl in every locale was

Food Industry Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Food Industry Analysis physical composition - Essay ExampleThis is not so with the pabulum effort because it is a basic physical desire. It whitethorn be that some luxury diets are done away with during times of economic crisis, but the diet industry as a whole can be rest assured that it will be slightly for a long time to come. As the population of this country grows, so will the quash of mouths that are needed to be fed. This ensures that should increase year-on-year for a long time to come. The purpose of this written report is to look for at the strengths of the various categories of the food industry and determine how an increase in sales is reflected by increases in employment numbers, employee wages, and the number of restaurants. Because this is such a large industry and covers tens of millions of people, I will focus specifically on New York City. The reason why I chose this place was because the city is famous for always organism on the move. The diversity in the city means that there are many ethnic food restaurants available for customers to eat at. My hypothesis is that as the sales of the food industry are increasing, so moldiness employment numbers, employee wages, and the number of restaurants. For an industry that seems to be booming, it would make sense to reinvest profits back into the industry itself, thereby ensuring its success over the short and long term. The types of data that will be used in this writing are primary sources, such as the New York State Department of Labor and ReferenceUSA. To clarify what food restaurants will be taken into consideration, the NAICS label that will be looking at is 722211 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002). This code specifically entails establishments that provide food services where the customer chooses his meal and pays for it before receiving it. To be clear, snack and non-alcoholic swallow bars will not be included in this analysis. The dependent variable in this paper will be the sales number s for the food industry as a whole. It is very undemanding to locate these figures because they are complied by the relevant departments each year for public knowledge. The scatter plot below shows the sales numbers in the food industry over the last few years As can be seen from the graph, the food industry as a whole is growing year-on-year. Of course, the figure for 2012 is rightful(prenominal) an estimate since we dont have those figures available yet. In fact, in the last couple of years, the position has gotten steeper, which suggests that the pace of the food industry will not slow down anytime soon. On average, the food industrys sales are increasing by $22.13 billion each year or around 3 to 4%. From this, we can say that the outlook for the food industry is positive unless some unanticipated disaster occurs. The slope for this graph is y = 22.13x + 167.26, based on a base year of 1990. feeling ahead to 2020, we can make a prediction of the sales of the food industry w ith this equation. The equation would be as follows y = 22.13 (30) + 167.26 = $831.16 billion each year. Of course, the growth rate may change based on external factors that are outside of the food industrys control. However, this figure gives a pretty not bad(predicate) estimate of where the food industry will be by the end of this decade and shows that everything is looking positive. today that we have shown that the sales for the food industry will continue to grow for some time yet, we need to see what is fueling that helping to fuel that growth. This paper will look at three unaffiliated variables employee numbers, employee wages, and number of restaurants. For employee numbers, New York City can

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Capitalism - Essay ExampleThe present daytime Dubai is capitalist and this is because the profit pauperism controls all undertakings and the regal family enjoys most of the profits acquired from the production of diverse commodities. For example, the Dubai royal family controls most of the oil reserves in the country and they fund other sectors of the economy in localise to gain from different areas and build up wealth.In my puddle environment, which is the court, capitalism exists and an example of this is that there are minorities who control the legal structures and they can get away with crimes through unethical practices.There are various aspects of welfare state in the UAE and these include the g overnment providing free education and access to funds for ripening purposes. The country also engages in tendinging its neighbors all in the effort of providing benefits to people all over the world.The UAE was not capitalist 100 years ago, and this can be explained by the fa ct that people could help each other to survive and even at times for free. People traded with various items such as fish, and this was not for the profit motive, but to work together in order to survive. However, this has now changed and everything is done with the motive of earning a profit.I believe that despite capitalism being just in that one gets what they work for, it is evil and people should help each other to survive and not be greedy in order to accrue wealth as others suffer from poverty. Everyone has a right to survive and exploiting others to amass more wealth as others suffer in poverty is

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Conformity discussion Essay Example for Free

Conformity discussion adjudicateConformity was first researched by Jenness (1932) who placed a large number of beans in a bottleful and asked students to estimate the number and then arranged for them to discuss their guesses with a group, later when asked to give their estimates again he found their item-by-item estimates had converged towards that of the group. In Sherifs (1935) study of correctity, Sherif used the autokinetic effect in which a stationary stain in the dark seems to be moving due to slight movements of the eye. When participants were asked by how much and in what education did the spotlight move they tended to make judgements that were very close to each others when placed in a group. The position that a group norm rapidly replaced the personal norms of the members of the group indicates the existence of social influence.Asch questi peerlessd the results of Sheriffs study and claimed that participants only conformed because the stimulus was ambiguous. A sch (1951) set up a situation in which 7 people all sit looking at a display they were given the task of saying out loud which one of the three lines a, b or c was the same the same length as the given stimulus line all but one of the participants were confederates. On the crucial trials on which the confederates all gave the same incorrectly answer the genuine participant overly gave the wrong answer on 37% of these trials. This showed that group pressures to conform were stronger then previously thought since the situation was unambiguous.This led to Deutsh and Gerard (1955) to identify two explanations for conformity, Normative and Informational influence. The latter occurs when an individual conforms because of the superior knowledge or judgement of others as in Sherifs (1935) study of conformity. Informational influence tends to lead to a change in private opinion. Normative influence occurs when an individual conforms because the person wants to be liked by the other members of a group, and also wants to avoid rejection as in Asch (1951). Normative influence is not likely to change private opinions but public opinions.However, since these studies it has been found that in that location exists a historical difference and heathenish differences in conformity. One of the limitations of Aschs work was the background of the participants obtained from the get unneurotic States in the early 1940s, Americans were said to be much conformist than other people. Perrin Spencer (1980) conducted research in which they repeated Aschs study in England and found little testify of conformity in comparison to Aschs study, leading them to conclude that Aschs study was a child of its time. In plus to this Smith and Bond (1993) carried out an analysis of a number of studies that had used Aschs task in the United States.They concluded that Levels of conformity in general had steadily declined since Aschs study in the early 1950s. Still, Perrin Spencers study was cr iticized on the grounds that the participants they selected were educated to a high standard and therefore had more confidence in their opinion. This together with Smith and Bonds research suggests that the decline in conformity through time has been largely due to changes in education practices.Hence the aim of this study is to investigate levels of conformity amongst sixth form tutors at Moseley UK, it is presumed that there will be little evidence of conformity since the participants have been through an education system that supposedly promotes independent thinking, as well as the time difference between now, and the original conformity studies. It is also true that the participants experience of society will reflect that of an individualistic nature where the emphasis is on and somewhat the individual to have a sense of personal identity, thus reducing the likelihood of conformity. This will be done by partially replicating the Jennes jellybean study.Experimental hypothesis Th e participants will produce estimates that are close to the player answers already written down in the high and low conditions.Null Hypothesis The participants estimates will be unaffected by the fake answers already written down in the high and low conditions.The observational hypothesis is based on previous research.MethodDesignField Experiment design in that experiment was conducted within the school, this design was preferred as it was the most cost and time effective. free and aquiline variables included (IV= Condition, DV=estimate). There were 2 conditions High answer condition and a Low answer condition. Independent design in that each participant is selected for only one group. Directional Hypothesis was selected on the ground of previous research, the level of conformity, whether it was significant, was to be established using the Mann-Whitney U test at a substance level of p=0.05.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Strange New Land Essay Example for Free

Strange new Land EssayStrange New Land, offers a seemingly vast view of the presence of African Americans in present day North America. Mr. timberland describes the harsh and often brutal fate of African Americans during the colonization of America.Exploring Chapter 1, allowed me to view the way different cultures took return of not yet African Americans, but natural Americans as salutary. Native Americans were invaded by Spanish settlers, taken into slavery and forced to live with harsh living conditions. Settlers exposed them to a vast number of diseases, and tricked other Native Americans into guardments, in which they were starved, made to live in the cold, and which ultimately led to the death of many of them. Native Americans were resistant to being overtaken and fought back to protect their people and their land.Spanish settlers needed more laborers to cultivate new land, and explore additional regions for settlement. Spanish Conquerors like Lucas Vasquez de Ayl lon sent out to find laborers in Western Europe. During his search, he found that Europeans that practiced Christianity did not believe in fermenting its people. In return, the Catholic Church, did however, not mind the exploit of non-Christians to Spanish Settlers. As groups resisted fiercely, they looked to other options in which they could gain access to the slave trade.African Americans to my surprise came as a third resort. Spanish settlers wanted to gain access to the dreams of gold and silver told to be deception within the American soil. However African Americans would prove to be more valuable than just for labor. Spanish Speaking Africans such as Gomez and Esteban were great explorers and go-between people when asked to settle what is now the state of New Mexico. Being intermediaries between the Native Americans and Spanish settlers, they showed the resourcefulness that Africans held during the colonization of America.As I continue to view how Africans came about to be in America, I was intrigued to learn that the basis of slavery were not limited to charge at all. Religion played the most important role in colonization of America, as well(p) as people becoming enslaved. If you were not of Christian belief system, then you were subject to being enslaved. From Mr. wood accounts, he told of how even John Smith was enslaved for a period of time. And that the bases of slavery were defined upon much great tools. Heredity was significant in the slavery system, because children of former slaves are said to have been born into slavery. The only thing I can account the Spanish settlers for, was that they didnt enslave their people for life, as well as the Dutch. Many of their slaves lives the lives of settlers, they just were required to be laborers, because of their religion. At any time it shows within his textual matter that they could have been released from slavery with the submission of their religion.The earliest definitions of slavery presente d a great amount of problems, which the slave-owners did not agree too. Rhode Island defined slavery as a period of 10 years, and not a lifetime commitment. Christian religious groups would allow other slaves to become converted to their religion to once again regain their freedom. The readily number of slaves were beginning to decline, so now new guidelines would be put in place to project that the slave-owners would keep laborers all the time. This trip of the 17th century would mark the beginning of when race became the solemn agentive role of how Africans would become and remain enslaved. This is the shift in African history that everyone would feel and become a part of.Africans held two surprisingly different fates. Those that were released to Latin America had better conditions than those located in North America. exclusively life in North America for Africans would see a dramatic shift as the laws and rules progressed. striver codes were laws that basically took away all rights of Africans living in North America. This would serve as a stable handicap for Africans for almost two centuries. Then the colonist took a dramatic horrible step utilize in the states as well as the colonies. Dehumanizing. This would be the greatest contributor of racism in the united States. This Law passed in Virginia in 1705, would allow English Colonist to treat Africans as property, disregard their feelings or wellbeing, and deny them of basic human rights. And these practices would carry over well into the 20th century.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Gospel of John vs Synoptics Essay Example for Free

gospel of John vs Synoptics quizMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John atomic number 18 the eldest four books of the New Testament. These be also c completelyed the religious doctrines, and they contain a critical story of the life and ministry of the Nazarene Christ. However, upon reading the four books, one will notice that in that location are significant differences between the books contents. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke agree on many details, the gospel singing of John differs from them. The first third books are the Synoptic evangels. They are called such because they have many things in common, such as events or details, language, and paragraph structures. However, these are not the only things which make them similar. According to researchers, the possibility exists that one or all of the Gospel writers used some other Synoptics for their source material. The Gospel of John, on the other hand, is different from the three. Thus, it is not a Synoptic gospel. The reaso n behind the differences in Johns accounts from the Synoptics is because he he wants to provide another geological period of aspect to the events surrounding savior Christ (Conte). In addition, these differences lie in the fact that some materials appear in the Gospel of John besides not in the Synoptics and vice versa.Noticeably, the Gospel of John contains a prologue but not in the Synoptics. It also contains a narrative of Jesus Christs childhood, whereas the Synoptics do not include infancy narrative. Signs have also been discussed in John 2, and these started with the wedding at Cana (Just). These signs encouraged the people to follow Jesus, concord to John (Neyrey 117). Another material missing from Synoptics but is included in the Gospel of John is the conversation with Nicodemus, which can be found from selected verses of Chapters 2 and 3 of John (Just).Differences can also be seen from the accounts of baptism. From the Gospel of John, it says that Jesus and his disci ples baptized people. However, from the Synoptics, there are no accounts testifying that Jesus was baptized. In addition, there are events that occurred in the Gospel of John but are not recorded in the Synoptics. In the same way, there are events only found in the Synoptics. For instance, the Gospel of John contains details of the Samaritan woman that Jesus met. He also healed a sick man near the pool of Bethesda.Other events include the nourishment of the 5,000 people, healing a blind man, raising Lazarus from the dead, and the washing of the feet of the disciples (Just). These events did not appear in the Synoptics. There are also other materials that do not appear in the Synoptics. For instance, they lack the childhood episodes that are make in the Gospel of John. In addition, the Synoptics do not have details about the temptation in the desert, or details about the sermon on the Mount. The Synoptics further lack the Lords prayer, or the list of the label of the disciples.Ano ther unmistakable details missing from the Synoptics are the parables and the ethical teachings. The Synoptics further lack the predictions about Jesus return and the details about his ascension (Just). Furthermore, the events that John recorded took place during the Passover, or the feast of pelf (Neyrey 117), and the ministry of Jesus covers three Passovers. However, the Synoptics acknowledge that Jesus ministry lasts for a year (Just). The differences can also be seen at Johns accounts of the feeding of a large crowd. His accounts tell that Jesus asks the disciples about feeding the crowds. In the Synoptics, it says that the disciples approach Jesus and ask Him to send the crowds away. In addition, the Synoptics engage that Jesus orders his disciples to give the people food to eat, which they did. On the other hand, John claims that it is Jesus who distributed the bread to the people. Also, the Synoptics do not mention names of the disciples. The Gospel of John, however, ment ions Philip and Andrew (Neyrey 117). Other braggart(a) differences are seen on other details. Whereas the Synoptics discuss the tenet Love your neighbors/enemies, the Gospel of John emphasizes the importance of winsome one another.The Synoptics also believe that the future eschatology, or the destiny of the humanity, is the coming of Gods kingdom. On the other hand, the Gospel of John believes that the eternal life is already upon humankind. Jesus also visits Jerusalem in many occasions, as told in the Gospel of John, but the Synoptics only acknowledge one journey (Just). Aside from these, the differences are obvious from smaller details, such as the claim of the Synoptics that John is Elijah who preaches about repentance. The Gospel of John claims John to be the baptizer and also a witness to Jesus Christ.It is also obvious from the Synoptics that the ministry of Jesus started after John the Baptist is arrested. The Gospel of John shows that the ministry of Jesus overlaps with th at of Johns. Furthermore, there is a difference in the accounts of the first disciples of Jesus. The first three books claim that the first disciples of Jesus are Simon Andrew, James and John. However, Johns accounts claim that there are five persons who became Jesus first disciples, namely Andrew, an unnamed person, Simon Peter, Philip, and Nathanael (Just).There are still other differences from details. For instance, the Synoptics tell of an anonymous woman anointment Jesus at Bethany, and this is objected by anonymous people. The Gospel of John claims that Jesus is anointed at Bethany by Mary, Lazarus siste, which was objected by Judas Iscariot. There are also differences from accounts near Jesus death. The Synoptics tell about Jesus being in Gethsemane to pray where he was betrayed by Judas with a kiss. The Gospel of John tells that Jesus is in a garden in Cedron, and He identifies himself to the men who arrived to arrest Him.It is also interesting to note that the time of the c rucifixion from the Synoptics accounts is at nine in the morning during the Day of Passover. By three in the afternoon He dies. further John claims that Jesus is condemned to die before the Passover and when He is crucified, He dies quickly (Just). Upon closer reading of the Synoptics and the Gospel of John, one will notice other differences between their accounts that are not listed in this paper. Perhaps these differences would be dependent on the understanding of each reader.But these differences are meant to provide people with other angles and point of view of all the events that took place during Jesus time. Works Cited Conte, Ronald L. 2005. The Writing of the Gospels Relationship between the Synoptics. Catholic Planet. 26 June 2009 http//www. catholicplanet. com/TSM/NT-synoptics. htm. Just, Felix. 2006. Contrasts Between John and the Synoptics. 25 June 2009 http//catholic-resources. org/John/Synoptic-Differences. htm. Neyrey, Jerome H. The Gospel of John. United Kingdom Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham Jail EssaySince ancient times, promoters of justice drop brought into play rhetorical strategies to persuade their opponents. On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther business leader Jr. wrote a letter regarding the criticism some(prenominal) clergymen made, stating that the movements of nonviolent resistance to racism from Dr. King were unwise and untimely. In this letter King uses several(prenominal) rhetorical strategies but mainly he makes use of 3. In the first one, King uses an outside authority (Religion), given the fact that he is trying to persuade Christians. Second, Dr.King courts to emotion (Ethos), he tries to appeal to their humans and computableness side. Third, King employs analogies to emphasize his rail line against racism. With these three rhetorical strategies he tries to persuade the clergymen to take natural process on the injustice that is upon Birmingham against the Negroes. As stated previously, outside authority was used by Dr. Ki ng to appeal the clergymen of the racism taking action. Religion has the power to move such an enormous amount of people and this has been be since the dawn of time.He know that this man obey the laws of God, knowing this he mentions he came to Birmingham for a good reason by saying Just as the Apostle capital of Minnesota left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of delivery boy Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of liberty beyond my own home town. (King, 819) With this quote he is making a religious analogy to make the clergymen clear that he is there for a good cause, a cause that is as good as Apostle Pauls.Later on the letter, King comp bed his actions with Jesus Christs when he was called an radical. But though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to phone about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was non Jesus an extremist for l ove? (826) This is also a religious analogy, and here he wants to deliver the message of peace by comparing his actions with the ones Jesus did. He wants to make the clergymen understand that the one they follow would have done the same.Subsequently, Dr. King employs the rhetorical strategy called Ethos, which means emotion. He uses this tactics to make the clergymen see that the ones theyre segregating are not less than any other(a) human being he tries to appeal to their good side. King says mayhap it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation say wait(821) And he then proceeds to quote his son who says Daddy, why do white people treat colourise people so mean?To make a point make him see what an innocent object thinks and how it affects him. He then proceeds to say When you take a cross country drive and aline it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel give accept you when you are hum iliated day in day out by nagging signs discipline white and colored when your first nominate becomes nigger and your middle name becomes boy and your last name becomes John, and your wife and mother are never given the respected title Mrs.Then youll understand why we find difficult to longer willing to wait. (King, 821-822) These are one of the most powerful rowing this letter has to offer, he emphasizes what a negroe has to suffer day by day. King mentions this to make the clergymen see what it feels manage to be segregated, to make them see how unjust it is. Throughout the entire essay Dr. King uses analogies to make his argument sound stronger and emphasize it. Not only does he uses religious analogies he uses historical analogies and geographical.He compares the regular army with Africa and Asia The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining independence, but we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch coun ter. (King, 821) he makes this analogy so they understand that other continents are already far beyond them, that this should have been dealt long ago. Later on he defends himself of the accusations of interruption the law for a good cause. He says We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal.With this analogy he tries to let them know laws are not always correct and therefore they have to be changes, and therefore the prohibition of segregation. In conclusion, King uses several rhetorical strategies to convince the clergymen that his actions are not unwise and untimely but the opposite. He gives them reasons to listen to him and convince them. The most authoritative rhetorical strategies where religious appeal, emotion appeal and analogies. With this mix of rhetorical strategies he makes this letter one of the most important piece for the civil right movement.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

School and Communities Essay Example for Free

School and Communities EssayA instill leader guides a student for such a brief moment, but is one of the connections that contribute to a student being successful and allowing for the student to innovation easily in the schooling environment? agree to the recommended readings in that location is a correlation between the students home, confederacy, and the nurture that facilitates the students transitions into and throughout the work system, leading to an environment that supports student success. There atomic number 18 several major transitions starting with kindergarten and progressing to the center of attention naturalize level, and then onto high school. Each transitional time is critical and requires additional support to slide by and to achieve faculty memberally. Based on my review of various articles, the following topics are promising directions that hold in emerged as areas that will make the connection powerful and successful. Family involvement during Ki ndergarten preparation is essential for young students to achieve to their potential. The greatness of being prepared academically for school, and its implications for parents, has been the subject of extensive research and attention.One recent learn suggests that advance parent support andparent learning about Kindergarten readiness can help ensure that children are adequately prepared to start school (Starkey Klein, 2000 Perroncel, 2000). In my readings it was suggested that a network of social connections that support children and families during the Kindergarten transition are necessitate, including interactions between teachers and children, children and peers, parents and teachers, and preschool teachers and Kindergarten teachers.While there is an increased amount of evidence about the elements that support Kindergarten readiness, there is also a need to better integrate the early childhood development literature to in full understand the connections that make a differenc e and allow the student to be successful. For example, Fantuzzo et al. (2000) conducted a study to respect parent involvement for children in day care, Head lift off, and Kindergarten. Studies such as this can begin to march on understanding of how parent involvement changes from pre-school to Kindergarten.Future research can also build our understanding of the special(prenominal) types of family and community connections that provide a strong support network for children, particularly those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, as they prepare to enter Kindergarten.STUDENT TRANSITION by dint of EDUCATION LEVELS 3 Despite the continued particular of the myth that family and community connections are primarily important at the elementary school level, researchers have begun exploring the cause of school, family, and community connections during transitions to centre of attention and high school as well. Gutman and Midgley (2000) found that during the transition from the el ementary level to the centre of attention school level, both school factors and family factors were important to support academic transaction in African American students.Another study found that, contrary to popular belief, middle and high school students do destiny their parents to be involved, especially in terms of homework help and other home-based types of support and involvement (Catsambis Garland, 1997). This study found that parent involvement does not decline, as expected, but rather shifts as students move into middle and high school. Although they continued to be involved, parents reported increasing dissatisfaction with their role in relationship to the school, especially involving school policy (Catsambis Garland).These results confirm the importance of continued exploration of needs that students have during the transition to middle school and to high school, and roles that families ferment in supporting these transitions. The impact of school outreach is an imp ortant finding. School outreach and invitations to families and community members have a significant impact on the level and quality of family and community connections. In at to the lowest degree three studies, it has been found to have a greater impact than family characteristics on previous student academic achievement (Van Voorhis, 2000 Simon, 2000 Chrispeels Rivero, 2000).Simon found that when schools reach out, and families and community members feel that the school is extending invitations at a personal level, they react with higher attendance at school-based activities and better quality of family involvement at home. The unique role that schools cinch in initiating and setting the tone for connections with families and the community cannot be denied. Researchers have also suggested that more research is requisite regards to what motivates individual school staff members to reach out to parents and community and howschool staff can be further motivated and supported in building these relationships.STUDENT TRANSITION THROUGH EDUCATION LEVELS 4 There is a growing understanding of the role that relationships between staff in schools and community organizations play in the development of successful collaborations between school and communities. Jehlet al. (2001) suggests that there are sticking points, in organisational cultures and values that can hinder school-community connections. They suggest that these sticking points must be understood and addressed in order to build effective partnerships.These disconnects can be exacerbated by the lack of personal relationships that build swan and understanding between school and community staff (Center for Mental Health in Schools, 1999a). It is clear that family, school, and community connections can benefit children from before the time they enter Kindergarten until after they graduate from high school. Our charge in the educational field of study is to come together to address the issues highlighted in t his synthesis paper and to straighten out the concept and outcomes of family and community connections with schools.In doing so we will better understand these connections and create the knowledge needed to realize the potential of family, school, and community connections for student learning and students success. STUDENT TRANSITION THROUGH EDUCATION LEVELS 5 References Catsambis, S. , Garland, J. E. (1997). Parental involvement in students education during middle school and high school (CRESPAR Report 18). Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins University. ED423328. http//www. csos. jhu. edu/crespar/Reports/report18entire. htm Center for Mental Health in Schools. (1999a). Expanding educational reform to address barriers to learningRestructuring student support services and enhancing school community partnerships. Los Angeles, CA Center for Mental Health in Schools. http//smhp. psych. ucla. edu/pdfdocs/Report/Expand. pdf Fantuzzo, J. , Tighe, E. , Childs, S. (2000). Family involvement ques tionnaire A multivariate assessment of family participation in early childhood education. daybook of Educational Psychology, 92(2), 367-375. Gutman, L. M. , Midgley, C. (2000). The role of protective factors in supporting the academic achievement of poor African American students during the middle school transition.Journal of Youth andAdolescence, 29(2), 223-249. Jehl, J. , Blank, M. J. , McCloud, B. (2001). Education and community building Connecting two worlds. Washington, DC convey for Educational Leadership, Inc. http//www. communityschools. org/combuild. pdf Starkey, P. , Klein, A. (2000). Fostering parental support for childrens mathematical development An intervention with Head Start families. Early Education and Development, 11(5), 659-680. Van Voorhis, F. L. (2000). The effects of interactive (TIPS) homework on family involvement and science achievement of middle grade students. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Florida.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Modest Proposal Essay Example for Free

A Modest proffer Essay brisk is a renowned satirist, whose works are read point today since they appoint social problems persistent through centuries. Although his parents were English, Swift was born in Ireland and lived there most of his life, though he wanted to live in or near London. His bitterest piece, A Modest Proposal is ab come out band the growing population and preventing the children of the poor bulk in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country. Swift is strongly against mendicancy as well as discrimination and presents these points his piece, A Modest Proposal. Swift pretends to be an expert or social planner who has a scheme to solve the problem of poverty in Ireland. This piece was written for the English aristocracy. It was meant to be humiliating and embarrassing for them, and it was Swift killed people figuratively. Initially, when people started breeding the piece, they agreed with Swift since he was stating facts and presenting reality in a serious tone. But when the readers reached the fracture where he proposes his solution to the malady, they felt he was out of his mind This was an eye opener for the Britishers, and it wasnt too unuttered for them to realize that he was making fun of them and they were offended. His proposal might check sounded preposterous, but he think it to be satiric and it was Swifts writing was very effective and helped enhance his purpose.One of the strategies that Swift uses to draw the readers prudence is by using a lot of details and imagery to clearly present his points enabling the readers to have a better understanding. One such example in this piece would be, It is a melancholy fair game to those, who walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the street, the roads and cabin-doors with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, and importuning every passenger for an alms. As people are reading this, they can cle arly protrude a picture of what is going on and exactly what hes trying to amaze across.But, this is a social insult towards women since they are supposed to be at home and non on the streets with kids. He sarcastically refers to women who have dozens of kids as breeders. To make things worse, he points out how a enceinte animal is apparently more worthy than a pregnant wo cosmos. If a man found out that his wife was pregnant, he would do anything to abort the child, which would end in the mother being killed most of the times. Women were hard-boiled like dirt. By this we can say that he also differentiates betwixt the roles played by man and woman in the society. Not only does he include men and women, but he takes children into setting too.According to Swift, selling children negates the cost of breeding them. He says, the maintenance of an hundred thousand children, from two long time old, and upwards, cannot be computed ay less than ten shillings a piece per annum, the na tions stock will be thereby change magnitude fifty thousand pounds per annum. Another way Swift grabs the readers attention is by making stark contrasts between the rich and the poor. He says, I grant this food will be somewhat dear and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best patronage to the children. He expounds how money circulates in the society with an idea of the rich giving money to the poor, and take it back. He comes up with his own unique resolutions to the problems that exist. Its basically like trying to solve a hard mathematics problem without following any of the rules.There are a few things that Swift talks some in his piece that arthat a child just born will weigh 12 pounds and in a solar division, if tolerably nursed, increases to 28 pounds. This is very unrealistic, because the average weight of a newborn in any country was never 12 pounds and they did not weigh 28 pounds in a year eith er. He might have meant it to be satiric, but it doesnt work very well and doesnt fit in. His statistics were haywire they were either too high or too low. Although he might have used these facts to get his point across, they ruin the effect of the entire piece. He insults peoples religious e very unrealistic. For example, Swift claims, I have reckoned upon a medium, beliefs which might have helped him prove his point, but can be offending to readers even today. He tends to be repetitive and tries to emphasize on certain things so many times that they recede their value. Swift tends to get carried away with his satire and comes up with unrealistic and ridiculous solutions.In this piece, Swift manages to confine the readers attention by using elaborate language and expressions. His tone and satiric language helps convey his essence and point of view. This piece was very effective, keeping in mind his main purpose, regardless of whether or not people were offended or that they tho ught he was being ridiculous. He proved his point with an superior plan, which he felt could have resolved the problem. Whether it would have worked or not, would have been a different issue. Thus, in reality this can be viewed as one of Swifts greatest pieces.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Essay Example for Free

encrust monkey and the Chamber of Secrets EssayHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is close Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts. In the beginning, Dobby went to Harrys house and told him that he should not go to school this year. It is very dangerous. Harry went to school anyway. A cat and a portion out of people got petrified. Some of Harrys friends think it is him causing the problems. When Harry was playing Quidditch, Dobby made the crackpot hit him and Harry lost all of the bones in his arm. Then, Professor Lockhart taught the students at Hogwarts how to fight evil. Harry spoke in Parseltongue which is making sounds like a snake.Harry, Hermione, and Ron made a Polyjuice potion to catch Malfoy talking about deaden all of the people. Then, Harry found a diary that writes back when you write in it. tom perforate is the one who wrote to him in the diary and told him that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets. After Hermione is petrified, Dumbledore and Lucius Mal foy took Hagrid away because Lucius thought Hagrid was petrifying everyone. Hagrid told Harry and Ron to follow the spiders. Harry and Ron followed the spiders to the forest and the spiders almost killed them, but they escaped.Then, Voldemort took Ginny to the chamber and Harry, Ron, and Professor Lockhart had to go aline her. Professor Lockhart cursed himself and Harry went to the chamber by himself. He found Ginny and Tom perforate. Tom Riddle is Voldemort when he was a kid. Professor Dumbledores phoenix came and poked out the snakes eyes and the magic hat gave Harry a sword. Then Harry killed the snake and stabbed the diary so Tom Riddle was dead. The best part of the book was when Lucius Malfoy gave Dobby a sock so he is free and doesnt beget to work for him anymore.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The map of Peacocks location Essay Example for Free

The map of Peacocks location EssayPeacocks is find in Peckham Rye channel next to rye lane market where Top Girl hairdressers salon is located.Stakeholders who ar directly stirred by the activities of PeacocksStakeholdersThese argon individuals or groups of people who entertain an interest in what the Peacocks does and either atomic number 18 impact by what Peacocks does or affect Peacocks by what they do.ShareholdersThese are individuals or organisations to whom the businesses belong. These are most likely to be affected by the level of profits that the Peacocks makes, but they will also be affected by how more than the business is worth. They contribute to the survival of Peacocks.EmployeesAn employee is whatsoever individual who has a contract of employment to expire for Peacocks. Employees are key stakeholders in Peacocks. They depend for their livelihoods on the incomes they earn from work and also upon the prospects available to them for public life progression . Peacocks is among the majority of successful firms because it recognises the importance of its staff, and it spends a great deal of time and effort in training and developing its workforce and improving its working conditions so that its employees are happy and motivated at work.CustomersThis is any individual or organisation that receives the harvest-times of Peacocks.SuppliersThis is the business that provides Peacocks with the goods or services that it needs for its production. They might run forth of goods and if they do, the business may lose sales.If Peacocks goes bust, the suppliers lose customers. providers of financeThese are individuals or organisations that provide Peacocks with money which it lav use to help it produce or invest.The competitorsThis is any business that is trying to sell products to the said(prenominal) customers as Peacocks. An example is Primark, and Bonmache. Peacocks does everything to make sure that it attracts customers to its self. Such acti vities are reducing prices, offering high discounts and providing the best part items. They also compete on offering a different type of product. When attempting to compete Peacocks ask themselves what their competitors are offering the customers.The governmentAs a stakeholder, the government is any part of the state owned administration, which controls and regulates Peacocks. It also affects Peacocks by providing incentives for it to set up in certain areas. And needing taxes from Peacocks.The local communityThe community is the society, and the people, where the business is located and carries out its production.Trade associationsThis trade to make sure that the employees are paid a salary. how much queen of influence each stakeholder has Peacocks overCustomersConsumers create demand for the products offered by Peacocks. The wants of the consumers set up to Peacocks what to produce and at what price.Peacocks understands its customers needs, which is important. Customers dictat e the pattern of Peacocks activities, as Peacocks will only offer goods, which customers will buy.Customers are not members of Peacocks, but they are virtual to their survival. Customers buy the goods that Peacocks offers. Spending by customers generates income for Peacocks. Customers may be individuals but could also be another(prenominal) businesses. E.g. sole traders may buy items from Peacocks and sell them at cheaper prices in the market.DemandThis is the amount of a product consumers are willing to purchase at any given price. Demand is concerned with what consumers are in truth able to buy, rather than what they would like to buy.Customers have different relationships with PeacocksPeacocks needs to communicate with consumers to find out what they want. merchandise research helps Peacocks to collect information about its potential customers.As well as collecting information from customers, Peacocks also passes on information about the nature of products, the price charged, h ow products work and where they might be bought. advertisement is often used to do this.Contact between Peacocks and customers take place when goods are bought. This can vary, when goods are not available at the time the customer wants them. The employees will then take done the customers dilate and contact him or her when the goods arrive. The goods are ordered for the customer from another branch of the company. onsumers are more sensitive of the products that are available in Peacocks stores. The prices, channels of complaint and product performance. Consumers have more income than ever before, and much greater expectations of products. Peacocks takes these expectations into account when designing, and marketing products.Peacocks operates in a world consumers have increasing rights and protection. Because of increasing consumer expectations and awareness, change consumer rights and fiercer competition in Peacocks, the vast majority of companies work hard at promoting good con sumer relations. Peacocks accepts returned goods and reimburse customers without to a fault much investigation.Increase in demandThis is when a very large number of customers come to image the store and buy large numbers of items each day. Raising demand can benefit Peacocks. reduction demandThis can result in falling sales, profits and possibly enclosure of the business. Changes in demand MoneyIt is reasonable to assume that the higher the incomes of consumers, the more they will be able to buy. When income in the UK as a whole additions, the demand for products in Peacocks will increase. The rise in income is unlikely to be same for everyone. Some consumers will have larger increase in income and others find that Peacocks products will only increase if the income of its customers buying its products increases.TastesSome products are subject to changes in tastes and fashion. It is more usual for Peacocks to stop offering products which have gone out of fashion altogether.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Schindlers List vs Book Thief Essay Example for Free

Schindlers List vs agree Thief EssayThe character Death, in Zusacks The Book Thief says Thats the sort of thing Ill never k at one time- what humans atomic number 18 sure-footed of. address the way this statement reflects one or more texts you have seen or read this year. Adaptation is the might to adjust for existence under environmental conditions. Like how animals adapt in the wild, humans atomic number 18 in addition unfastened to be tolerant in difficult situations. We do not know our limit of rigourousness or kindness. Although most people choose to be kind and sympathetic to others, there argon alike people who are cruel and cold-hearted. Mark Zusack states this idea in his book, The Book Thief from deaths point of view, Thats the sort of thing Ill never know, or comprehend- what humans are capable of. Amon Goths cruelty to Jews in the movie, Schindlers List is an example of humans undiscoverable mind. The morning when groups of Jews arrive to his work camp, G oth randomly starts shooting the Jews from his veranda. At first, the Jews thought they are now safe since they have survived the crazy house in the city. Therefore, Goth shoots them to rise up the tension of the motion-picture show.His shots cause chaos at the camp and the view of the chaos from his veranda makes the Jews look more animal like and vulnerable. subsequently in the film, the Jews wedding scene, Schindlers social party scene and Goth torturing Helen scene are shown by juxtaposition. This juxtaposition shows those three different scenes that create different moods in a short get of time. This also shows Goths insanity. He asks questions to Helen however, he answers those questions by himself pretending Helen is the one whos tell them.His sudden mood swings also hints about his odd mental condition. In the film Schindlers List, the audiences are mesmerized by the protagonist, Oskar Schindlers generosity. It uses juxtaposition between Schindler and Itzhak Sterns thor ough search of whole the names to add to the list to save the Jews from the work camp and the images of those people to show the critical subclimax of the movie. Schindlers break down at the end of the movie touches the audiences hearts. He keeps murmuring to Itzhak about his regrets.He thinks that if he knew that the war was about to end, e would have spent everything he has to save more Jews. He was stirred when the Jews have him a gold ring as a gift for his devotions. When the Jews hand him the ring his pass were shaking and he was shocked. Most people would not risk their lives to safe others. However, Schindlers selflessness is glorious which has save thousands of Jews lives. Another example from this film is at the root word when Narzi soldiers evacuate and execute the Jews in the city. These soldiers step on it into the apartments destroy all the belonging in their paths.When they cannot control the situation, they start random shootings which killed hundreds of thousa nds of people. Not one of the soldiers hesitates earlier they put a bullet in the Jews heads. Although there were bloodsheds, we could not see the colour since almost the correct movie is shown in black and white. Otherwise, these bloodshed scenes would be even more horrible. The Nazis inconsistency towards the Jews is also a very cruel act that most people are not capable of understanding the reason why they did it.The signs of discrimination are shown in the film. The Nazis let them run around defenseless during the medical checks. Although the doctors can easily determine the difference between the sick and the healthy Jews, they forced them to be examined naked in the camp. This is shown to portray how feeble and embarrassed the Jews would have felt at that time. The director shows this scene from many different angles to capture all the actions happening in the area.The tombstones of the Jews are used to build up roads which is also another way of dehumanizing the Jews. Th ese tombstones are important for their family members but they have used it as a resource to walk on it which shows disrespect. It is also to make to look like the Jews are powerless and vulnerable. Another surprising thing that overwhelms people is the Jews capability to harsh violence by the Nazis. At the beginning of the movie, the Jews are sent off to the work camp by travelling in squashing trains and trucks.They had to work rough labour although this kind of work used to be unfamiliar for most people some comfort manage to survive this hardship. Although they have to do harsh labours, the execution, and concentration camps they still do not pretermit hope. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank wrote that, Someday I will be able to taste freedom and some day we will all be free. No point how bad the situation is humans also hope for the best. I believe that this is something that only humans are most capable of. It is hope that let so many people conquer hardships and di fficulties.

Neoliberal in Latin America by Samir Sader Essay Example for Free

Neoliberal in Latin America by Samir Sader sampleThis paper examines the role of the neo-liberalism greet to development in Latin America. The paper aims to establish whether the memory access has facilitated the increase of the developmental goals of the Latin American voice. Through literature review, the study finds step to the fore that the neo-liberalism advent has attained a certain storey of progress in the Latin American region. However, the overwhelming evidence emerges in shop of alternative development glide slopees.This realization is made after it is established that neo-liberalism has contributed towards retarded scotch harvest-home, policy-making dissymmetry and other kind ills in the continent. The paper fin follower concludes that seeking alternative approaches to growth is necessary if the Latin American region is to achieve set ahead progress. Introduction Neo-liberalism is a mart led nonplus to companionable and economic policies premised o n the neoclassical theories of economics, which aim to utilize maximally the private sector in choosing the economic, political and social priorities of a republic.The aim of the model is to shift risks from the public corporate to individuals. This indicates that the primary role of the approach is to increase efficiency premised on the belief that governments were not in a position to attain such(prenominal) a goal (Cohen, 2007). The neo-liberalism approach was introduced in the Latin American continent to achieve the benefits associated with it on theory. by and by decades of applying the approach, the Latin American region still finds itself lagging behind in terms of economic and social growth and development. This requires to a host of queries regarding to what would perplex g unmatchable wrong.Research questions This paper examines the follo annexe research questions Has the neo-liberalism approach facilitated economic growth in the Latin American region? Has neo-liberali sm led to political unbalance in the Latin American region? Has neo-liberalism geted to achieve its goals in the Latin America continent? If neo-liberalism has failed, are in that location alternatives to re piazza it? Literature review Neo-liberalism was first applied in Latin America at the rung of the new century. Latin America chose to offer a ground in which the forces of neo-liberalism contentions squared off.Such lead to a construction of both resistance and seeking of alternatives. The liberal dispensation adopted in the 1990s in Latin America led to serious setbacks. For instance, the huge inequalities, which characterize Latin America, point to this position. Though neo-liberalism was not the cause of the inequality problem, it served to exacerbate the gap (Sader, 2008). The neoliberal model was imposed in Latin America. Towards privatization considerateness was give n requiring that successive governments in the continent should defeat and disarm the earlier left win g movements and any organized labor collections.During this time, the developmentally ag wipe come forwarda was premised on the import substitution model. This model was oddly used in genus Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil however, the model was also in use in countries homogeneous Columbia, cayenne, Peru, costa Rica and Uruguay (Sader, 2008). The model was heavily doctored in a way, which encouraged wide political projects based on the ideology of strengthening the working class and work unions with backing from local parties and national blocs submerged in the context of use of nationalistic identities and ideologies.Instead of leading to the sought after development, the neoliberal agenda turned tragic as countries in the Latin American region became engaged in military coups time and time again beginning at the 1960s (Sader, 2008). The combination between military coups and the neoliberal growth models led to rudderless in the balance of power in reference to the social c lasses in the region. In countries standardised Chile, Uruguay and Argentina, it was tightlipped impossible attempting to privatize national industries. Simply put, the assure governments had to suppress the nationals into accepting the sell-outs.Initially, states offered a certain degree of protection as they regulated local markets and thus guaranteed the social well-being of the population. However, privatization became necessary to clear the passageway for the neoliberal agenda. Argentina suffices as the best example in this line of thinking as illustrated by the complete transfer of public resources to the private sector followed by the abolition of the hard fought for social rights. In a nutshell, the neoliberal model was dismantling the norms in Latin America.At the turn of the 1990s, neo-liberalism had taken its monetary value in the Latin American continent. Its effects were fraught throughout the political spectrum. Originally, the program was implemented in Chile, la ter, Peru, Mexico, Bolivia followed suit (Sader, 2008). One stark reality that emerges is rested on the failure of the neo-liberalism model to consolidate the mandatory social forces for sustenance. This meant there was constant asymmetry paving way for a host of crises right from its onset. This finds lose in the Mexico crisis of1994, the Brazil crisis of 1999 and the Argentina crisis of 2002.These nations were ravaged by astounding levels of inflation, which were however controlled at a importantly high cost. The effects of hyperinflation are quite adverse as for instance, economic growth of a region or a state comes under paralysis. Instead of achieving the expected growth and development in the Latin American countries, adverse effects like, stagnating economies, growing wealth gaps, spiraling public deficits, expropriation of individual rights (in reference to function and labor unionization) took precedence. Further to this, the general populations rights were curtailed.How ever, the growth of the public debts negatively exposed the Latin American economies. The poor economic performance led to the ouster of Alberto Fujimori in Peru, Menem in Argentina, Henrique Fernando Cardoso in Brazil, Gonzalo Sanchez in Bolivia, among others (Sader, 2008). The neoliberal model of growth encouraged the internationalization of economies. This pushed the corporate elites into striking an alliance with international capital. Towards achieving the neoliberal agenda, the pro neo-liberalists supported military dictatorships in the southern Cone.The support was extended even to guerillas as far-off as they were in support of the export-oriented model (Sader, 2008). The adherence to the neoliberal policies meant that gains made in reference to trade unionism had to be reversed. This also affected the leftwing forces as they were equally disabled by the neoliberal agenda. This was further worsened following the collapse of the causation Soviet Union. Labor unions like the Brazilian Workers Party (PT) the Nicaraguan Frente Sandinista and the Uruguayan Frente Amplio evolved into parties in order to camouflage from being phased out by the respective governments.They occupied a central wing to achieve their goals. However, left wing groupings such as the VPR and ALN in Brazil, the PRT-ERP in Argentina and the MIR in Chile were dissolved (Sader, 2008). The political ideologies in Latin America became remodeled on the lines of the neoliberal policies. The acclivitous new world order further reinforced the neoliberal hegemony. Popular forces were abandoned as the former nationalists and social democrats got sucked into the neo-liberal agenda. However, this group has move to pressure the leaders into discarding the policies in favor of more socialistic ones.This group argues that neo-liberalism has disabled the state from performing its functions as ideally expected. The groups militancy against neo-liberalism is premised on the wholesale privatization o f state resources and expropriation of individual rights with particular reference to formal employment, education and health. The overthrow of the neoliberal government of Sanchez de Lozada was agglomerate to the agitations brought forth by disgruntled elements based on climb ons by the government to privatize water (Sader, 2008). The neoliberal agenda remained committed to creating polarity between the public and the market sector.Ne-liberalism is committed to the extension of market relations. Initially, the state was connected with the social aspect of humanity. However, at the advent of neo-liberalism, the state was required to divorce with this aspect, leading to a critical clash in the process (Sader, 2008). Chile was among the first nations to support neo-liberalism in the Latin American continent. Augusto Pinochet offered support to the approach during his 17-year reign. However, successive governments after the overthrow of the dictator did not introduce significant chan ges into the system.Against suggestions that neo-liberalism was anti-growth, very much was attained in Chile. For instance, in the year 2009, the United Nations Development Report ranked Chile as a country characterized y high quality of life, highly competitive, political stability, high levels of globalization, low perceptions on corruption, economic freedom and low poverty levels. However, it should be noted that Chile remained a country with rampant(ip) wealth disparities with a distorted nature of distribution of resources (Cohen, 2007).Between the period of 1930 and 1970, a candid soma of Latin American countries used the import substitution model to put up own industries which contributed into a reduction of dependency levels. The other effect was on urbanization. The urban centers witnessed a growing population as a result of the increasing snatch of the working class. Protests by left-wing parties and trade unions grew due to economic crises. The economic crises and the theoretical prospects of the model were the major reason why leaders chose to implement neo-liberal approaches.In the end, neo-liberalism contributed to cozy unemployment, urban unemployment, urban poverty and insecurity (Fischer, Ratna and Carlos, 2002). As unemployment and insecurity grew, the rich segment of the society continued to become richer. At this time, the poor sections of the society continued to be poorer. However, in some countries wealth mental institution increased following the introduction of the neoliberal policies. Despite the increase, instate wealth, the distribution remained inequitable. In turn, inequality contributed to political instability across the continent.Inequality breeds discontent and despair among the poor, this leads to formation of groups, which engage in criminal activities. Some groups end up forming feeder groups to rebel gangs. It is thus no surprise that political overthrows were rampant in Latin America. As Ong (2006) observes oopponent s of neo-liberalism argue that liberalisation and globalisation play a big role in subverting a states ability of self-determination. As a result, states are reduced to speculators in the bigger globe. The approach leads to negative economic consequences like inequality and contributes towards the deterioration of peoples living standards.Neo-liberalism distorts power by reducing the one held by governments and transferring t into corporations. This in turn facilitates the transfer of benefits from the poor to the wealthy. Neo-liberalism creates struggles both at the social and local fronts as reflected by the inability of citizens to chart their own destiny. Deregulation predisposes states and citizens to cyclical movements of economic forces. This sums it all that neo-liberalism has led to more harm than good. The neoliberal policies brewed a war between different stakeholders at the state level to jostle for positions of controlling the countries.On the one quite a little, is th e elected leadership, o the other hand are the social movements. Social movements imply rural movements, trade unions and employees in the education and health sectors of the public. However, governments like the Brazilian one attempted to adopt social oriented measures to gain popular citizenry support. Others include Nicaragua, Argentina and Uruguay though to a lesser extent. These countries policies remain friendly in reference to allowing for open economies as impertinent to other states in the region (Sader, 2008).In Latin America, there are two groups of countries, one in favor, and the other group against integration at a regional level Costa Rica. Peru, Mexico, Chile progress to entered integration deals individually while Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia remain more keen on integration (Sader, 2008). Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and Ecuador extradite taken big steps towards the establishment of an alternative growth model to the neo liberal approach. The four countries draw proposed the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas to tackling continents issues.This has expanded to incorporate Haiti, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, ALBA has attempted to reduce the efficacy of the neoliberal model by insisting on fair trade. This calls for shunning of trade regulations based on the WTO and market rate norms. The trade practices between Cuba and Venezuela in which case a form of barter trade takes place serves as a strong pointer to the proposed way in the region. In the trade between the two, Cuba swaps anele with education services from Venezuela (Sader, 2008). Analysis of findings It thus emerges that neo-liberalism performed dismally in the Latin American continent.This aside, the consequences were lethal in reference to the instability emerging from the model of development. When economies are performing poorly, the masses suffer and loose belief in governments. The neoliberal agenda as established leaned on silencing the public if the model was to turn out a success. This explains why governments had to curtail the freedoms of citizens as exhibited by the suppression of labor and left wing unions. However, this is equivalent to breeding discontent in the populations. Simply put, these measures sowed the seeds of discord in any nation.It was thus not move that the instability generated in the Latin American countries was largely due to the focus on the neoliberal policies of development. The neo-liberal approach stands accused for playing a huge role in the emergence and recurrence of dictatorship in the region. States, which supported the approach, were encouraged and offered support to suppress popular opinion on country or state governance. This contributes directly to promotion of dictatorial tendencies. This further aggravates the political instability associated with repressive regimes since such contributes to sowing seeds of discontent in populations.The repressive regimes f urther contributed to the loss of gains made in regards to trade unionism as such were discouraged. However, groups have formed in these countries to fight for their rights especially in reference to basic needs. A case in point is captured in Brazil where in 2002, landless peasants ganged up in resistance to privatization of water in Cochabamba. This contributes towards creating social and political unrest in these countries. As a result, neo-liberalism was directly responsible for political instability in the region.It is established in the paper that the neoliberal model of growth has painstakingly failed o advance the developmental agenda of the Latin American continent. This implies that seeking alternative measures is the only promising way out f this fiasco. True to this, some countries like Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia remain focused on integrating at a regional level. This points that neo-liberalism has failed in the Latin Ameri can continent and as a result, the search for alternative models of growth remains in top gear.The forms of integration shown by some of the Latin American country seem to be the best alternative to enable the region achieve the desired growth as opposed to borrowing models of growth from the West. The fact that the region is well endowed with natural resources like oil puts it at a driving seat if integration is allowed to thrive. Countries opposed to the neoliberal agenda have chosen to ally with the protagonists of the United States of America like the Peoples Republic of China and Russia. Limitation This paper simply relies on works of other scholars as it is based on literature review.Literature is of invaluable portion to studies. This is held because literature forms the basis upon which studies are carried out. However, literature may be subject to subjectivity especially if the authors/researchers fail to remain objective. Nevertheless, this paper has reviewed four works to ensure that the reviewed literature does not raise inconsistencies. The paper though, heavily focuses on the works of Sader. Based on this, the paper is a useful contribution to the discourse on the neo-liberalism approach and development in Latin America.Conclusion This paper concludes that neo-liberalism is not the appropriate development model in the Latin American region. This is based on the realization that the developmental approach has occasioned a number of adverse outcomes as enumerated in the literature review. However, in countries like Chile, the developmental record has been impressive. Despite this, the general rating of the approach is poor as indicated that even in Chile, its adverse effects like sidetrack the gap between the rich and the poor remains clearly manifested.It is thus not surprising that measures like integration are being sought by countries from the Latin American region. If the neoliberal approach was good as earlier expected then the Latin Ame rican countries would have achieved the desired development prospicient ago. Instead, after decades of using the approach, negative effects such as political instability, social and economic problems have reared their ugly faces repeatedly. It is thus held that seeking alternatives to the neo-liberal approach is in the best interests of the Latin American countries.Reference number Cohen, J. N. (2007). The Impact of Neoliberalism, Political Institutions and Financial Autonomy on Economic Development, 19802003 Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Princeton University. Fischer, S. , Ratna, S. Carlos, A. (2002). Modern Hyper- and High Inflations diary of Economic Literature 837880. Ong, A. (2006). Neoliberalism as Exception Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty. Duke University Press. Sader, E. (2008). The Weakest Link? Neoliberalism in Latin America. New leftfield Review, 52.